Friday, November 5, 2010

"Nothing Changes on New Year's Day"

That's right, people, we've got a legitimate shot to go three for four on our girls New Year's Day predictions for a third straight year. We take you back to New Year's Day 2008 (all but Pius XI and they were oh so close). We take you back to New Year's Day 2009 (all but Cambria-Friesland). We take you back to New Year's Day 2010. We're just sayin'.

P.S. Kudos to the anonymous commenters in January who trumpeted Racine St. Catherine's and Kaukauna. Nicely done and tomorrow will tell whether you or we were right. Actually, the Kaukauna call was more right than we were. In any event, CAN'T WAIT!!!


onpackerland said...

sorry I will have to cheer against you for at least one of the matches and back the local team in Kaukauna...

VBuberalles said...

Our D1 pick, Burlington, lost in a hotly contested quarterfinal so we can cheer along with you. Of course, we don't want to make the Muskego folks mad so we'll cheer for them, too. How about two sets for each side and let's see what happens in the fifth? Yeah, like the sound of that.

onpackerland said...

my bad, for some reason I thought you had picked Muskego, my bad, I should have checked. I definately wouldn't mind another match like the Ghosts had against Fondy... makes for some very exciting ball.

Anonymous said...

The sun is rising in Green Bay this morning, but it's not quite time for the "green and gold". We have four duels to commence, so as they say....."Let's get it on!"