Sunday, November 14, 2010

Watch Yesterday's UWM Win And We'll Donate Toward Today's Marquette Dig Pink Match

Stick with us. This is sorta confusing.

As you should know, there's a huge match today between Marquette and Cincinnati that will determine who wins the regular season Big East crown. It's also their Dig Pink match. Please attend if you can.

As you should also know from reading the post a post or two down, we're encouraging the C&V faithful to spend one-and-a-half minutes watching the YouTube highlights of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's regular season finale win over Illinois-Chicago yesterday.

If the YouTube views exceed 50 by Monday morning, we'll donate (anonymously, of course, so you'll have to trust us) $1 to Marquette's Dig Pink cause for whatever the YouTube view count says on Monday morning . If the YT count is at 50 views, we'll donate $50 dollars, 100 views, $100 and so on. (UPDATE: 117 VIEWS AS OF 5:30 A.M. ON MONDAY MORNING SO WE'LL DONATE $117 TO MARQUETTE'S DIG PINK CAUSE -- THANKS ALL)

So watch volleyball at your computer. Watch volleyball in person. And cheer loudly for our state's teams.

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