Tuesday, February 3, 2009

GLPL 16s Results Are Out There (And Right Here)

The results from this weekend's edition of the Great Lakes Power League 16s tournament are online. Here are where the highest bracketed Wisconsin teams have landed:
  • Milwaukee Sting 15 Gold finished sixth in bracket A so they move to bracket B for the next round
  • Milwaukee Sting 16 Black finished seventh in bracket A so they move to bracket B
  • Wisconsin Juniors 16-1 finished sixth in bracket B so they move to bracket C
  • West Allis 15-1 finished seventh in bracket D so they move to bracket E (there's another item of interest in bracket D, but we don't report on that age level--unless you consider us pointing out that there's another item of interest us reporting on it ;)
  • Wisconsin Juniors 15-1 finished first in bracket F so they move to bracket E
  • Milwaukee Sting 15 Black finished first in bracket G so they move to bracket F
As always, let us know where we've erred. It is human and to forgive is divine. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I believe that the 4th and 5th place teams in an 8 team bracket stay in that bracket. The top 3 move up and the bottom 3 move down.

VBuberalles said...

Quite right. The ones we had listed as fifth place finishers actually came in sixth. Our bad. We think we have it right now.

volleymom said...

I believe the team you talking about is Milwaukee Sting 14 Gold,
which took 5th and stayed in Bracket D, Great team!!!