Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Running the Numbers on Some of the Smaller Schools at State

Most people know that D4 schools are the smallest in terms of enrollment. Well, we took that fact and worked some math regarding Wisconsin's four state semifinalists:
  • Potosi has 16 players on their roster and a total school enrollment of 159, which means just over 10 percent of their school is on the team
  • Of the 179 total students at Catholic Central, three players on their volleyball roster are listed at six feet or taller (Carol Henney, Samantha Oldenburg and Kelli Smith)
  • Rosholt setter Alyssa Macht has more than four times as many assists (860) as Rosholt has students (212)
  • Three players on Clayton have more kills (Sadie Schradle at 364, Shelby Reindahl at 155 and Clairiann Thompson at 179) than Clayton has students (total enrollment: 140)
We've also received an e-mail that says that Catholic Central has "beaten two D1 qualifiers, finished ahead of D3 qualifier, Shoreland Lutheran, and taken D2 qualifier Catholic Memorial to three games." Not bad for a school of 179.

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